Rentable Facilities

Community Centers are open to the public Monday through Saturday from 1:00pm until 9:00pm (Note: Times may be adjusted for special situations with the approval of the Parks and Recreation Director). 

The centers are closed on Sundays unless reserved by an organization or a patron. The following is a schedule of user fees in order to reserve a Community Center for a function or special event. The Monroe Parks and Recreation fee schedule is available at the bottom of this page.

  1. Events held at a Community Center from Monday – Saturday from 1:00 PM – 9:00 PM cost $25.00 per hour. Events that are held on Sundays cost $35.00 per hour and must be reserved for a minimum of three (3) hours.
  2. There is a $75.00 refundable cleanup deposit for all events that must be paid and submitted with the Reservation Agreement prior to the date of the function. In order for a reservation to be completed, all forms must be signed by both the patron and a center employee.
  3. All events that go beyond the regular center hours or the number of hours reserved may be charged an additional $25.00 per hour ($35.00 if event is on a Sunday) or fraction of an hour. This fee will be deducted from the organization’s or patron’s cleanup deposit fee.
  4. Each organization or patron must make arrangements with the center supervisor for event set-up. Set-up time will be left to the discretion of the center supervisor depending upon the type of events planned at the center.
  5. Employees are not to receive anything of economic value (including money, favors or gifts) or solicit an organization or patron for money or accept a “tip” as outlined in the Louisiana Code of Governmental Ethics. Violation of this policy should result in termination of the employee.
  6. Center supervisors are to turn in all funds (user fees and cleanup deposits) on the same or next business day at the Parks and Recreation Division’s Administrative Office located at Benoit Community Center, 1700 Oaklawn Dr. with an original contract, a copy of the payment and a copy of the receipt signed by both the patron and the supervisor.
  7. Organizations or patrons shall receive an original receipt and a copy of the signed rental reservation that reflects full payment of all fees. If they do not receive an original receipt or copy of the signed rental reservation agreement, they should call the administrative office at 318-329-2439 or 318-329-2523 or the Office of Community Affairs at 318-329-2488.
NOTE: Rental fees may be negotiated for long term, recurring events.
  1. All tables and chairs must be taken down and put back in the designated areas as agreed upon between the center supervisor and organization/patron.
  2. Trash must be removed from the kitchen, restrooms and reserved area.
  3. Garbage in trash cans must be dumped in the exterior green City of Monroe garbage containers located outside of the facility. All electronic equipment, microphones, chairs, tables, piano, and portable stage must be taken down and returned to the designated area or as instructed by the center supervisor.
  4. Stoves, countertops, microwaves, refrigerators, and sinks must be cleaned.
  5. Restrooms, kitchen, and reserved facility area(s) are to be mopped and left cleaned.
  6. Patrons are not allowed to cook at Community Centers. However, they may warm food they have brought to the facility. Any violation of this policy could result in automatic termination of original contract and forfeit of cleanup deposit.
  7. Center employees are not obligated to set-up events for an organization or patron. The organization/patron is required to set-up events on his/her own time as specified by the center supervisor.
  8. Guests of patrons are to remain in the reserved area.
  9. Grease is not to be poured down sinks, drains, or restroom commodes. Failure to follow this rule will result in termination of original contract and forfeit of cleanup deposit.
  10. After the event, the patron and an employee will conduct a walk-through to inspect the facility for cleanliness.

When planning an event to be held in the City of Monroe, you must contact the proper officials and obtain necessary permits, rental information and learn the rules and regulations concerning the use of specific sites. The following are general guidelines that will give you the information you need to plan a successful event.

1. You must contact the person responsible for rental reservations for the area you plan to use. Here are some general numbers. Specific contacts are listed below.

Community Affairs Office 
Douglas A. Seegers, Director329-2290

Eselener McCoy, Administrative Assistant


Tina Clemons, Administrative Clerk


Monroe Civic Center – George Cannon


Parks & Beautification – Ray Wright


Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo – Tom Pearson


Masur Museum of Art – Evie Stewart


Golf Courses – Don Walters


Rental of all Community Centers and Park Facilities


2. You must contact the Monroe Police Dept. to obtain the necessary permits that may be required for assembly and traffic control.



3. You must contact Taxation & Revenue Dept. for all necessary permits and an occupational license(s).

Tim Lewis


Ruby Whitfield


4. For alcohol or beer sales that may be allowed, you must contact the Alcohol & Beverage Control Board (ABC) for a special permit. You will also need a letter from the City of Monroe Legal Dept. to get a temporary permit from the ABC Board. Certain facilities may reserve the right to sell all concessions including alcohol. Start as early as possible.

ABC Board

(225) 925-4041

Monroe Legal Dept.


Monroe City Council Clerk


5. Restroom Facilities

Unless permanent restrooms are on site and determined adequate to serve the expected attendance, you will be required to rent portable units. Companies that provide this service are listed in the yellow pages of the telephone book.

6. Litter Cleanup

Arrangements must be made for litter cleanup. How this is accomplished will be determined by the agency controlling the site/property that is being used for the event.

7. Utilities

You must meet on-site with the agency personnel in charge of the area to determine if utilities available are sufficient to satisfy the needs of the event and/or necessary actions if additional services are needed.

8. Food

If concessions are being sold, you must make sure that all required permits, licenses and insurance is obtained by the vendors. (Health permits, occupational license ($1,000,000 insurance, etc.)

9. Insurance

All special events are required to have a minimum of one million dollars liability insurance coverage and should list the City of Monroe as additional insured. Civic Center special events personnel are available to discuss event requirements such as technical needs, sound and lighting, stages, ticketing and merchandising for all special event venues. The following contacts are provided to assist you in a variety of ways, including technical aspects, marketing and advertising.

Community Affairs Department

Douglas A. Seegers, Director of Community Affairs


Eselener McCoy, Administrative Assistant


Tina Clemons, Administrative Clerk


Centers & Programs

Patience Talley, Director of Centers & Programs


Melanie Cooper, Administrative Assistant


Monroe Civic Center

George Cannon, Director


Melissa Thaxton, Event Coordinator


Clay Caissie, Venue Promoter


Chris Kidd, Technical Director329-2343
Parks & Beautification

Ray Wright, Director


Louisiana Purchase Gardens & Zoo

Tom Pearson, Director


Masur Museum of Art

Evelyn Stewart, Director


Chennault Park Golf Course
Johnny Myers Memorial Golf Course

Don Walters, Director of Golf


Thomas Saxton, Superintendent


Mayor Friday Ellis, Director of Community Affairs Doug Seegers and the entire staff of the Department of Community Affairs for the City of Monroe are delighted to provide this information to you. We are here to help you get started in planning a successful special event. Please feel free to contact any of the above-named individuals concerning any questions you might have.

Momentus Elite / Civic Center

Convention Center
  • Convention Center Lobby
  • Louisiana Room
  • Ouachita Room
  • Jackson Room
  • Bayou Room
  • Morehouse Room
  • East Carroll Room
  • West Carroll Room
  • Miro Room
  • Lincoln Room
  • Madison Room
  • Tensas Room
  • Richland Room
  • Union Room
  • Caldwell Room Franklin Room
W.L. Jack Howard Theatre
  • Lower Level
  • Stage & Dressing Rooms
  • Theatre Lobby
B.D. Robinson Conference Hall
  • Big West Room
  • Big East Room
  • Small East Room
  • Small West Room
  • Kitchen
  • Fountain Area
Civic Center Arena
  • Arena Lobby
  • Half Arena
  • VIP Room
  • Main Plaza
  • Mobile Stage
  • North Lot
  • V. Rental
  • Southeast Lot
  • Southwest Lot
  • Pavilion / Ag Building
  • Farmers Market

Parks & Recreation

  • Anna Gray Noe Park
  • Bry Park
  • Jesse Williams Park
  • Lamyville / Magnolia Park
  • Nebo Park
  • Orange Street Park
  • River Oaks Park
  • Sherrouse Park
  • Triangle / Stuart Park
  • Charles Johnson Park
  • Green Room
  • Teen Room
  • Game Room
  • Gym
  • Park Grounds
  • Ballfield 1 (Girls)
  • Ballfield 2 (Boys)
  • Ballfield 3
  • Ballfield 4
  • Football Grounds
  • Pavilion
  • Art Room
  • Bayou Room
  • Club Room
  • Gym
  • Park
  • Ballfield 1 (Boys)
  • Ballfield 2 (Girls)
  • Swimming Pool
  • Teen Room
  • Art Room
  • Banquet Room
  • Game Room
  • Gym
  • Park Grounds
  • Ballfield 1
  • Ballfield 2
  • Swimming Pool
  • Art Room
  • Club Room
  • Game Room
  • Teen Room
  • Gym
  • Park Grounds
  • Big Adler 13-18 (Boys)
  • Blue Field 13-15 (Girls)
  • Green Field 7-8 (Girls)
  • Little Adler 9-12 (Boys)
  • Pink Field 5-6 (Girls) / T-Ball
  • Red Field 9-10 (Girls)
  • Sallie Humble Field (Boys)
Bernstein Pavilion
Wilson Pavilion
BJ Washington
  • Gym
  • Boxing Room
  • Cycling Room
  • Small Room
  • Treadmill Room
  • Weight Room
  • Ballfield
  • Park Grounds
  • Tennis Court 1
  • Tennis Court 2
  • Game Room
  • Multi-Purpose Room
  • Gym
  • Small Meeting Room
  • Ballfield
  • Johnny Myers golf Course
  • Point Pavilion 1
  • Point Pavilion 2
  • Point Recreation Area
  • Bandstand
  • Volleyball Court
  • Park Boat Landing
  • Bendel Ballfield
  • Carl Smith Field
  • Park Playground
  • T-Ball Field
Emily P. Robinson
  • Gym
  • Multi-Purpose Room
  • Teen Room
  • Park Grounds
Lida Benton
  • Park Grounds
  • Ballfield
  • Pavilion 1
  • Pavilion 2
  • Pavilion 3
  • RM North
  • RM South
  • RM Clocktower
  • Bathrooms
Chennault Park
  • Golf Course
  • Banquet Room
  • Bandstand
  • Disc Golf (Back 9)
  • Disc Golf (Front 9)
  • Shelter 1
  • Shelter 2
  • Shelter 3
  • Shelter 4
  • Shelter 5
  • Shelter 6
  • Shelter 7
  • Horseshoe Arena
  • Tennis Court
LA Purchase Gardens & Zoo
  • Zoo Pavilion
  • Zoo Education Building
Masur museum
  • Main Gallery
  • River Gallery
  • Carriage House
  • Virtual
Monroe City Hall
  • City Hall Steps
  • Council Chambers
  • Mayor’s Conference Room
  • Memorial Plaza
  • Off Site
  • Ouachita Candy Co.
Rentable Facilities


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