Human Resources



The Human Resources Division’s mission is to establish and maintain a system of personnel administrations that will serve the citizens and staff of the City of Monroe with the highest degree of professionalism and efficiency by providing the means to recruit, select, develop, and maintain an effective and responsive workforce and shall include policies and procedures for employee hiring and advancement, training and career development, job classifications, salary administrations, retirement, fringe benefits, discipline, discharge, and other related activities.


The mission of the Human Resource Division is twofold: to diligently assist the City of Monroe employees with understanding the many benefits and opportunities of working for a large municipality; and to diligently assist employees with understanding the responsibility each employee has to be effective, efficient, productive, and a customer service oriented member of the labor force as they serve the citizens of Monroe and their co-workers in their capacity as public servants. Our employees are responsible for providing a wide range of diverse and needed services in the daily performance of their jobs to both citizens and other city employees.

Human Resource staff provides daily services and assistance directly to employees of the City related to the many functions needed to support a workforce of approximately 1,200 full and part-time employees. Some of those functions include employment and recruitment, orientation programs, insurance, and benefits program administration; training and loss prevention programs; promoting internal job opportunities; compliance with City policies and procedures and with State and Federal employment regulations and employment laws; and employee and labor relations. HR also supports a large retiree population. The Director of Human Resources coordinates the activities of the Human Resource Division. This includes advising department and division heads on proper procedures for hiring, promoting, and terminating employees. The Division is principally responsible for developing and administrating employee benefit programs such as health, life, and disability insurance; coordinating safety training and insuring compliance with State and Federal regulations, including ethics training and other mandated training. The Division staff maintains a computer database of employee information.

The Division is committed to promoting a work environment that provides Equal Opportunity Employment for all. The best way to ensure equal opportunity is to provide clear procedures that are administered fairly, equally, and transparently according to the terms of the applicable Union contracts and other work rules, policies, and procedures provided in the Employee Handbook and other appropriate documents. The HR staff strives every day to provide quality customer service to the employees and retirees of the City of Monroe that the Division serves.

Human Resource Division Staff

The Human Resource Division includes the Director and six full-time support staff: Assistant Director of Human Resources; two Insurance and Benefits Specialists; Recruitment Specialist; Information Systems Specialist; and Receptionist/HR Clerk. The HR staff is continuously cross-training so each member is prepared to assist employees, retirees, and applicants when needed.

Human Resources


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