


At its November 13th (introduction) and November 27th (final adoption0 meeting, the Monroe City Council is expected to vote on the 2018-2020 International Union of Operating Engineers (AFL-CIO) Local Union #407 union contract which was ratified by union members . A copy of the agreement is linked here: International Union of Operating Engineers Local Union 407 2018-2020 Union Contract with City of Monroe (pdf).

At its November 13th  (introduction) and November 27th (final adoption) meeting, the Monroe City Council is expected to vote on the 2018-2020 Monroe Fire Fighters Association International Association of Fire Fighters (AFL-CIO) Local Union #629 union contract which was ratified by union members.  A copy of the agreement is linked here: MFD International Association of Firefighters Local Union 629 AFL-CIO 2018-2020 Union Contract (pdf)

The Legal Department strives to provide the City of Monroe, the Mayor, the City Council and all departments, offices and agencies of the City with competent legal representation in all areas of the law.

The Legal department is comprised of the city attorney, and one assistant city attorney; One legal clerk, one paralegal and one administrative assistant. As legal adviser to the MayorCity Council and all departments, offices and agencies of the City, the Legal Department seeks to promote good, efficient and responsible government within bounds of federal and state constitutions and laws for all of the citizens of the City of Monroe.

With the other departments, offices and agencies of the City, the Legal Department works to fulfill the duties and responsibilities incumbent upon local government for the citizens of the City.

The City Attorney

The City Attorney is the head of the Legal Department Department. The City Attorney is the chief legal adviser to the Mayor, and City Council, and all departments, offices, and agencies of the City. The Legal Department represents the City in all legal proceedings and performs other duties prescribed by the charter, ordinance of provisions of state law. The Legal Department also performs other duties and is involved in special projects at the direction of the Mayor or the City Council. The City Attorney appoints, supervises, directs and delegates duties to all assistant city attorneys. All assistant city attorneys serve at the pleasure of the City Attorney. No special counsel can be employed by the City except by written contract and approval of the City Council.

The City Attorney is the chief legal representative of the City in all areas. While the City Attorney may function in any or all areas of the Department, normally duties are assigned or delegated to various assistant city attorneys under the direction, supervision and administration of the City Attorney. The Legal Department is divided into two (2) Divisions and one (1) Sub-Division for administrative purposes.


Some fines can be paid out of court. Please refer to court link for fine information.

Only the prosecutor can make this decision to drop charges. However, a victim may request that the charges be dropped by filling out a request form in the prosecutor’s office.

Continuances are rarely granted but each is treated on a case to case basis. If there is a valid excuse, the defendant must appear prior to their court date. At this time a joint motion to continue must be signed. You may also have your attorney file the appointment pleadings. Please do not call the day of your court date or the day before your court date and expect to get your court date continued.

No, all reschedules, if there be need for one, must be rescheduled with your appearance in the prosecutor’s office.

Yes, you may schedule an appointment to speak with a prosecutor.

You may contact the City Prosecutors office to find out the charge. For further information on your charge please follow this link to the City Ordinance.

The chief prosecutor is Anselem Nworkie and the assistant city prosecutor is Angie Baldwin. The office is under the direction of the City Attorney’s office and Monroe City Court

If you feel that you have a warrant, to avoid any further action against you, please contact the warrant clerk to resolve this matter as quickly as possible.

Every case is taken into consideration by the Judge and handled on a case-to-case basis. It is in your best interest, that matters are resolved as quickly as possible to avoid any further action against you.

The prosecutor’s office staff will gladly answer any of your questions. If further discussion is needed in regards to your charge(s) an appointment can be made with one of the prosecutors.

The District Attorney’s Office will contact you if your charges have been transferred to their office.

Yes, an appointment can be scheduled prior to your court date to speak to a prosecutor.

You can contact the Clerk of Court as well as the City Prosecutor’s office to inquire about your court date.

This office will consider any extenuating circumstances or remedial measures taken concerning the prosecution of your case.

You may request a court-appointed attorney in court. Or, you may contact the Indigent Defender Board at 318-323-0105.



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